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  • What is EXPI Bot?

    EXPI Bot is a new solution for instant cryptocurrency exchange with a simplified arbitrage strategy. You register on EXPI and work directly with the exchange supplier using a transit crypto wallet.

    The principle of arbitrage exchanges on EXPI Bot is very simple: you analyze and compare the exchange rates of cryptocurrencies in various available pairs, from different exchange providers and in different countries, fix the rate of the exchange profitable for you, confirm the operation to Start Exchange, send and receive the result with profit.

    EXPI Bot is not only a smart aggregator for cryptocurrency exchange but also a provider of exchange services. EXPI Bot provides users with all the necessary information for cryptocurrency exchange so that you can choose the best option. You can use the list of exchange services on EXPI Bot and independently choose to send the asset to conduct the exchange operation on the service with the most favorable price.

    EXPI Bot offers the crypto community a convenient, progressive, and transparent service. Subscribing to EXPI Bot makes the exchange process profitable and saves your time. Choosing the best offer for cryptocurrency exchange is never an easy task, but EXPI Bot can help not only solve this task but also calculate the best arbitrage exchange delta with just one click of a mouse.

  • How to register on EXPI Bot?

    You register on EXPI Bot, receive the Private Key, and work with the EXPI transit payment wallet – you give to the provider and receive from the provider exchangeable assets according to the generally accepted principle of the cryptocurrency exchange service. We do not collect any data other than your Email address when receiving the access key to EXPI Bot services.

  • What crypto pairs does EXPI Bot support?

    EXPI Bot supports all cryptocurrency pairs that have a profitable exchange delta. You may think that the choice of assets is not that extensive, but this is not the case. You see the best offer that the market can offer you today. The list of assets is constantly updated, and as soon as the EXPI Bot monitoring sees a profitable batch in a certain pair, it adds it to the list for your choice and the choice of bots in the automatic exchange mode.

    The base asset for EXPI Bot is the stablecoin USDT (Polygon), which you send to the transit wallet for exchanges in different pairs and receive stable profit from exchanges in USDT (Polygon).

  • Why should I trust EXPI?

    The EXPI service provides a service of direct crypto exchanges, where the result of the exchange is profit.

    After registering and gaining access to EXPI services, you get not only an aggregator of cryptocurrency exchange services, which will help you easily find the best offer, but also an automated arbitrage solution that works via API connection with fifty-six exchangers in different countries and performs direct exchange operations on these sites. It is worth noting that EXPI cooperates under a PaaS License Agreement with the licensed service SdbS Group, which works with the most reliable crypto exchanges. To make it easier for users to choose the best price offers of the exchangeable asset, all exchange services have ratings with the best offers

    hanks to a convenient interface and reliable partners, EXPI has significantly simplified the exchange of crypto assets and provided access to a new format of profit generation. You always control your money on transit wallets, and each exchange is conducted on the principle of sending the asset for exchange and receiving the exchangeable asset on the transit address.

    EXPI also has a strict privacy policy, and all confidential information is encrypted. EXPI is integrated only with the most reliable partners. Thanks to their 'Know Your Business' protocol for checking exchange partners, you can be sure that the exchange partners integrated with EXPI are reliable.

    You can trust the ratings and reviews of EXPI, and consider all other factors before using EXPI's paid services. EXPI provides you with the estimated exchange time and exchange rates for each exchange partner. With all this and many other useful tools, EXPI makes the exchange of crypto assets a reliable operation with a guaranteed profitable delta.

  • Does EXPI hold funds?

    EXPI offers a service not related to storage, where users maintain full control over their crypto assets. EXPI has a complex multifunctional security system and a licensed level of exchange service provision. Moreover, EXPI does not require any personal information from users, and there are no hidden fees or commissions.

    Thanks to EXPI, users always have access to their crypto assets, reliable access to the exchange system, and receive stable profits using the capabilities of a unique exchange mechanism. This is arguably one of the main reasons why crypto traders, investors, and enthusiasts around the world are ready to trust EXPI.

  • What is the price for EXPI services?

    Exchanges on EXPI Bot are carried out in a simplified automatic mode and a profitable exchange delta is consistently extracted. EXPI Bot and SdbS exchange services guarantee the fixation of cryptocurrency rates during the exchange operation and protection from all possible risks of price volatility, which eliminates loss of profitability of the transaction or loss of capital.

    Therefore, EXPI Bot has a certain fee for its exceptional exchange services. This is a paid and free EXPI subscription.

    The operating conditions for subscriptions are the same:

    Access to all top crypto pairs for exchange, exchanges are carried out with various amounts from 50 USDT to 100,000 USDT Performing from 30 exchange operations per day, free deposit and withdrawal of funds, receiving a profitable exchange delta from 36% per month. and higher.

    Payment conditions for subscriptions are different:

    1. 1. Paid subscription - this is when the client pays an amount of 71 USDT and opens the subscription for 7 days, then systematically renews it by making payment for the renewal.
    2. 2. A free subscription is when the client does not pay for the subscription, but a fixed fee of 21% is applied to each amount of profit received from the exchange operation.

    Each client can individually choose which type of payment to use it is more convenient for him to work for EXPI's services.

    Subscription is a way of earning money for EXPI. Our service is integrated into the exchange network of the SdbS provider through paid integration, therefore, in order to provide clients with this profitable exchange service, we also need to establish payment for it.

  • What are your commissions?

    EXPI Bot has no hidden commissions.

    EXPI profit is the payment of a paid subscription or a fixed fee for providing fast exchange services.

    When withdrawn online USDT Polygon – blockchain network commissions are not withheld, as they are the minimum and EXPI pays them through payment for services.

    When withdrawing USDT in other blockchain networks (TRC or ERC-20), a commission is withheld, which is automatically pulled from the blockchain network at the time of withdrawal.

    When conducting exchanges, there are no commissions - you see the ready price for assets, which is generated by the exchange service, the price is broadcast via the API connection and includes commissions for the blockchain network and exchange , as well as volatility indices.

    When replenishing the EXPI transit wallet, you pay the blockchain network commission as the sender of the coins.

  • How does EXPI Bot work?

    The EXPI Bot team understands that choosing an exchange platform can be difficult for crypto enthusiasts, traders, and investors. Nevertheless, EXPI Bot has made the cryptocurrency exchange process simple for everyone; moreover, EXPI Bot has provided a tool to extract profit from each exchange operation.

    All you need to do is choose the cryptocurrency you want to exchange and get offers from various exchange platforms - exchange providers in different countries. Choose the exchange offer to buy the asset in a pair with USDT, which best meets your expectations, and the offer to sell the asset to receive USDT on the transit wallet with a profitable exchange delta. After fixing the selling and buying offers, you will see the broadcast of the expected exchange delta and the volume of your profit for the current exchange operation.

    EXPI Bot provides you with the exchange rate taking into account all commissions and rate fixation, the approximate time needed to complete the full exchange operation, ratings and reviews of exchange platforms, as well as tools for online exchange broadcasting and checking the status of each exchange. What makes it even easier for clients to find the best offers is that the exchange offers with the best exchange rate are marked at the top of the offer tables.

    EXPI Bot not only simplifies the exchange processes but also gives the client the opportunity to earn on exchanges, multiply money, and save time.

  • How does EXPI Bot integrate exchange platforms?

    We collaborate under a licensed PaaS and SaaS agreement and Agreements on the use of the aggregate REST API SdbS Exchange and API SdbS Pay, with more than fifty-six exchange platforms in different countries. EXPI aggregates cryptocurrency exchange offers across many cryptocurrency pairs through the API of these reliable exchange services. SdbS Exchange is a licensed network of cryptocurrency exchange platforms that provide reliable services and support a wide range of crypto assets.>

    EXPI Bot offers services not related to asset storage, and our users do not need to relinquish control over their funds; they have access to them at all times. EXPI Bot also guarantees cooperation only with reliable and secure exchange platforms for fast exchange services and stable profit extraction.

  • How does EXPI Bot aggregate exchange rates?

    EXPI Bot receives exchange rates directly from exchange service platforms. EXPI Bot continuously monitors and compares cryptocurrency exchange rates for all available cryptocurrency pairs supported by EXPI Bot and exchange service providers.

    As mentioned earlier, in EXPI Bot, the exchange provider offering the best exchange rate will be listed at the top. EXPI Bot also informs users about offers with a fixed exchange rate only. Fixed-rate exchanges are operations in which you receive the exact amount of cryptocurrency after the exchange is completed. Fixed-rate exchanges guarantee that you will receive the amount of cryptocurrency calculated by the service at the beginning of the exchange. In doing so, the service forms the exchange price taking into account the Crypto Volatility Index, thereby insuring itself against volatility risks.

  • How does EXPI calculate exchange time?

    EXPI Bot strives to provide fast arbitrage exchange, so it is extremely important to provide the customer with information about the approximate exchange time. Although the time depends on several criteria, such as confirmation time for a specific asset or exchange service (service provider), a formula can still be composed for it.

    Asset1xXconfirmations + swapXconAsset2 + Xcontransfer + swapXconAsset2+ tservice/nservic

    In most cases, the processing time of a full mandate for arbitrage exchange operations, considering the stage of fixing the exchange asset in the client's wallet, can take from 20 to 40 minutes.

  • Why are cryptocurrency prices different in different countries?

    This is one of the questions that most cryptocurrency enthusiasts always ask themselves. The cost of certain assets varies on exchange services, different exchanges, and in different regions. Each crypto exchange service provider, with which EXPI works, is simultaneously connected to several major cryptocurrency exchanges in its country to always have an exchange volume. Volumes are limited in most cases since all mined coins have online exchange quotes, which constitute a small part of the total number of mined coins.

    Cryptocurrency prices on different exchanges are based on trading, and there is no established method of pricing. The cost is usually balanced between the price one person is willing to exchange and the price another person is willing to part with to get the same currency. The price deal occurs between two people during the exchange after the upper and lower limits have been defined. The price is determined after that.

    At any point in time, there is a price difference for cryptocurrency between exchanges by a few cents or even more. However, in most cases, a significant difference is observed between trading exchanges in different regions (countries) and is based, in addition to demand and supply, on additional factors such as adoption and mass use, legal regulation, influence of mainstream media, investor sentiment, etc. This is a common series of trends and economic cycles that influence pricing in different environments and allow identifying countries with the highest cryptocurrency usage rating and accordingly higher price for profitable sales and countries with average or low cryptocurrency usage rating and lower price for purchases. Thus works the arbitrage strategy of fast automatic cryptocurrency exchanges between different regions.

    For each exchange service of SdbS Exchange and for each cryptocurrency pair, the exchanges with which the exchange service is currently working are listed in the 'Markets' section, there are quite a lot of markets (from 10 interactions for each country), and collectively they have significant trading volumes necessary for fast exchanges. The exchange service forms its own profitable and safe exchange price based on the data received from the exchange and the current market situation. All exchange and network commissions, as well as expected volatility level coefficients, are considered in the exchange price.

    Therefore, EXPI Bot clients can safely conduct arbitrage exchanges, calmly choosing the price taking into account all commissions and fixing it, without fearing sharp jumps and volatility.

  • How to conduct an arbitrage exchange on EXPI Bot?

    After registration, activation of the free subscription, and receipt of the private key, clients can start exchanging cryptocurrency.

    To activate the transit wallet, send an amount of at least the minimum (50 USDT) to it. Select the necessary crypto pair in the 'Available Pairs' tab.

    Fix the necessary exchange service for selling and accordingly for buying the asset.

    Enter the volume of the asset to be exchanged.

    Assess the profitability of the deal and the expected profit, and you can start the exchange.

    After pressing the 'Start Exchange' button, the system will send the asset to the wallet of the exchange service, and the Bot will conduct the specified exchange operation.

    After sending funds from the transit account, all clients need to do is wait for their request to be processed by the exchange service providers. You can track the exchange operation in the mode of online exchange broadcasts, through the account of the exchange provider, by all the status IDs of the exchange path at the exchange providers. As soon as the provider sends the exchanged amount to your transit wallet, and the transaction is received, the arbitrage swap will be executed.

  • Why do you have limits on the volume of a single exchange operation?

    EXPI Bot receives all exchange data through API integration from the provider SdbS Exchange.

    This includes the buying and selling price, available liquidity of exchange markets where a particular exchange service can operate quickly.

    We also work with requests for volumes located on the wallets of exchange services and intended for instant exchanges. Under the PaaS License Agreement, we have a percentage of liquidity from the volume of each exchange service, so we need to set a limit on one exchange operation for its successful confirmation.

    EXPI Bot can accept a volume of no more than 100,000 USDT in equivalent for one arbitrage exchange operation; this is limited within the framework of the automatic exchange operations contract and allows for quick and successful transactions within the liquidity activity and market conditions.

  • Can I work with maximum volumes for direct and automatic exchanges simultaneously?

    Yes, you can create a complex arbitrage portfolio and work with direct exchanges in manual mode and automatic exchanges in fully automated mode. At the same time, use the maximum volumes for exchanges.

  • How many exchange operations can be conducted per day?

    The number of exchange operations performed directly depends on the characteristics of each crypto asset network you work with. Additionally, the duration of the operation can be influenced by the regulations of the exchange service (exchange provider) where the exchange is conducted and the peculiarities of the markets in a particular country. EXPI bot works via API connection, with liquidity provision, which significantly speeds up any operations.

    It is impossible to determine the exact number of operations in 24 hours. We can provide the minimum number of operations recorded in the work statistics: in the USDT/Bitcoin pair – from 22-24 exchange operations per day and higher, in other available pairs, at least 40 exchange operations and higher.

  • What is the Private Key?

    In the EXPI bot system, there is registration and enhanced security with access to EXPI functions via a Private Key. The Private Key is generated based on the principle of a special hash function designed for generating crypto wallets, making it impossible to decrypt or guess the data. The cryptographic hash function algorithm ensures complete security and integrity of the Private Key data. You need to store it in a secure place and not share it with third parties, using it only for access to the EXPI system.

    The Private Key is sent to your email after registration and activation of the EXPI bot subscription; you use it consistently. In case of loss of the Private Key, you need to restore it through the recovery form, using the active Email address.

  • What are the payment terms for working with EXPI bot?

    You have two payment wallets (transit) in EXPI bot, one for direct and automatic exchanges. You can work with them simultaneously or choose one of them to work within the Direct and Automatic Exchanges section.

    To log in to the system, you have your reliable Password and Private Key access, generated based on the principle of a special hash function, developed for generating crypto wallets. The cryptographic hash function algorithm ensures complete security and integrity of the Private Key data. You need to keep the password and key data in a safe place and not share it with third parties, using it only for access to the EXPI system. The Private Key is sent to your email after registration and activation of the EXPI bot subscription.

    You can add your personal crypto wallets, which you use to work with the EXPI transit wallet in exchange operations, deposits, and withdrawals, to the status of trusted addresses in the EXPI system. This way, you enhance the security of your payment data.

    The minimum volume for sending to the EXPI transit wallet and conducting exchange operations is 50 USDT.

    The maximum volume for sending to the EXPI transit wallet and conducting exchange operations is 100,000 USDT.

    You have two transit wallets in EXPI bot, one for direct and automatic exchanges. You can work with them simultaneously.

    You can send to the EXPI transit wallet with different amounts; when reaching the minimum volume for exchange of 50 USDT, you initiate the process of creating exchange operations in manual or automatic mode.

    You can withdraw assets from the EXPI transit wallet to your personal address with different amounts at any time (after the completion of the current exchange operation).

    Your EXPI transit address is designed so that you (in manual mode) or bots (in automatic mode) can seamlessly send and receive exchangeable assets, as well as accumulate profit from exchange operations.

    If you sent an amount larger than the maximum to the EXPI transit wallet, you (in manual mode) or bots (in automatic mode) will be able to process the request with the maximum exchange amount of 100,000 USDT. The volume exceeding this amount will not be involved in exchange operations.

    You (in manual mode) or bots (in automatic mode) cannot create multiple exchanges simultaneously; each exchange is processed according to the conditions of the REST API SdbS Exchange and REST API SdbS Pay protocols, and the next exchange will be available after completing the previous process.

    The exchange service fixes the exchange rate at the moment of sending, so the exchange price always includes the coefficients of the CVI volatility indices. EXPI receives prices taking into account all possible commissions and risk indices. However, in the case of any insurmountable circumstances fixed by the exchange service on the exchanges in the exchange countries, due to which the exchange cannot take place in the format confirmed by you, the operation will be canceled and an immediate refund of the exchangeable asset to your transit wallet will be conducted, according to the PaaS (Alert) protocols, within 60 minutes.

  • When can money be withdrawn from the transit wallet?

    Withdrawal is available at any time, for amounts that are not currently involved in the exchange operation.

    During the exchange operation, the withdrawal of the exchangeable amount is not possible. In automatic mode, you need to stop the auto-exchange and wait for the current exchange operation to finish. After completing the current exchange operation and returning the amount to the transit address, each user can withdraw any amounts located on their EXPI transit address.

  • Why are there 10-minute intervals before returning the exchanged asset to the transit address?

    This is a technical pause to ensure liquidity, which is logical and necessary for the normal operation and interaction of all objects and types of the aggregate system of exchange requests.

    The Arbitration Strategy document section states that:

    In order to ensure uninterrupted operation of our strategy for each client, regardless of the volume with which they conduct exchanges, we need to focus on ensuring our own liquidity to maintain the speed of operations at the required level. For this reason, and after the completion of the exchange, we fix the volume of the asset of each EXPI user for 10 minutes on the wallets of the exchange services. This volume is used to ensure a quick exchange so that all other user requests are processed on time, the fixation of the asset on the wallet of each exchange service lasts the specified 10 minutes, and your assets help other clients obtain a quick and profitable result.

  • Is the transaction report on exchange operations available?

    EXPI bot does not operate in the status of a statistical user of the SdbS Exchange exchange service.

    EXPI bot operates on a paid tariff with Paas Exchange and Saas Pay offers, in Rest API integration mode and adheres to the Terms of Use of the API of the licensed exchange provider SdbSUab.

    According to the terms of these documents, the exchange service (SdbSUab) sends a report to the official email of the licensee (EXPI bot), which includes all data on exchange transactions (time, date, hash) in a consolidated format, available for tax reporting (PDF), volumes of all operations performed from EXPI bot transit addresses to the addresses of SdbS exchange services (56 objects), broken down by the domain names of these services.

    The sending of consolidated financial information is conducted according to the request schedule for the period: once every 24 hours, once every 10 days, and once every 30 days.

    Upon receiving transaction reports in the specified format, under the conditions of Rest API integration, EXPI bot does not have the capability to selectively provide payment information to each user. EXPI bot does not provide for the additional hiring of specialized staff for copywriting and selecting necessary data from reports for subsequent sending to each user for each exchange operation.

    EXPI bot provides all users with direct broadcasts of each of their exchanges by the purchase and sale order IDs, with transition to EXPI API cabinets, on the websites of SdbS exchange service providers, in online mode, by transaction statuses, with the recording of the history of each exchange operation. According to the instantaneous responses of the REST API of SdbS Exchange crypto-exchange services by exchange operations and classification of the request type.

    The conditions for sending reports are indicated at the address of the exchange provider SdbSUab in public access, on each of the 56 exchange services. In the sections:

    API Usage Conditions (item 2.10);

    Technical document of Rest API, in the Cachability section, it is stated:

    'The response of the REST API of SdbS Exchange crypto-exchange services to exchange operations is instantaneous, classified by request type. Reports on the hashing of unique 'signatures' of financial data, in the form of transaction hashes, volumes, and quantities, are provided to the consumer according to established templates for classifying cryptocurrencies: once every 24 hours, 10 days, 30 days. Exchange operation reports are recorded by the SdbS Exchange provider through blockchain network explorers and are provided for companies in a format accessible to the tax authority specified in the PaaS offer. Financial reports are sent to the email address of the company/consumer of REST API SdbS Exchange.'

  • Who is SdbS Uab?

    SdbS Uab is a partner-licensor of EXPI bot.

    The licensed over-the-counter exchange and crypto-payment acquiring service Swap DeFi Business System (SdbS) based in Latvia conducts legal activities and has a crypto license to provide cryptocurrency exchange services. The office is based in the business center in Vilnius, at Gedimino 20, office 38. The activities and charter capital (€125,000) of SdbS Uab are regulated by VASP/CASP, has coverage of exchange services in 56 countries, cooperates with 568 major crypto exchanges in the regions, processes more than 1500 cryptocurrencies in payment operations.

    In addition to crypto exchanges, SdbS Uab offers integrations of ResT API of exchange resource providers and crypto-merchant API, based on PaaS and SaaS offers.

    Anyone can explore the activities and services of SdbS Uab; you can register and submit an application for consideration for integration of the 'Agreement on the Use of ResT API SdbS Exchange,' check the company and, after confirming the application, pay the tariff and gain access to the aggregate ResT API of personal cabinets on each of the fifty-six exchange resources and the crypto merchant cabinet. You can simultaneously use the API for exchange integration and the API for crypto payment integration if you provide services to a large number of clients.

    The aggregate ResT API of SdbS Group is a paid service. The EXPI Bot service, located at https://expi.bot, is integrated via the SdbS Pay API protocols (Personal tariff) and SdbS Exchange API (Long-term tariff). The integration is confirmed by the PaaS License Agreement-offer on the integration of application programming interfaces of SdbS Exchange exchange services and the SaaS License Agreement-offer on the integration of application programming interfaces of the SdbS Pay crypto gateway.

    SdbS Uab is a reliable global service that represents legal partnership with licensee provision, automated cryptocurrency exchanges, crypto payment processing, and other services for its users. EXPI Bot has been integrated with the services of SdbS Uab for more than 3 months; the supply of exchanges and other payment solutions, in the request/response format, proceeds according to protocols in accelerated mode, liquidity is ensured in the stipulated volume, support and payment processing is performed instantly, the exchange provider and payment acquirer, SdbS Uab, fulfills the terms of offers and contracts with EXPI Bot at a high level.

  • What are my risks?

    EXPI maximally minimizes your risks:

    • 1. Secure operations.

      When you confirm the action 'Start Exchange' or activate 'Auto-Exchange,' the money located on your EXPI transit wallet is sent to the exchange service and returns after the operation is completed (according to the protocols of the aggregate REST API SdbS Exchange). This process is no different from the usual cryptocurrency exchange you use with the exchange service.
      In this case, EXPI provides you with the opportunity to use two exchange services simultaneously, with the existing price difference, to obtain a profitable exchange delta. At the same time, each exchange service fixes the price at the moment of sending; the exchange price always takes into account the coefficients of the CVI volatility indices and commissions. In case of any insurmountable circumstances, fixed by the exchange service on the exchanges in the exchange countries, due to which the exchange cannot take place in the format confirmed by you, the operation will be canceled and an immediate refund of the exchangeable asset to your transit wallet will be conducted, according to the terms of the PaaS offer protocols in Alert functions, within 60 minutes.

    • 2. Reliable partner.

      The group of exchange services SdbS, with which EXPI works, is a reliable licensed partner, has coverage in 56 countries, cooperates with 568 major crypto exchanges in the regions, processes more than 1500 cryptocurrencies in payment operations. It is not only an over-the-counter exchange service but also a crypto-payment acquiring service that provides extensive technology for business using various APIs and SaaS protocols. Based in Latvia, it has a crypto license to provide exchange and payment processing services in cryptocurrencies. The office is based in the business center in Vilnius, at Gedimino 20, office 38. The activities and charter capital (€125,000) of SdbS Uab are regulated by VASP/CASP.

    • 3. Data protection in EXPI.

      By exchanging with EXPI, you use assets for exchange operations throughout the subscription period. This means that the assets are effectively always protected. They are either in transit in the blockchain network or undergoing the exchange process on the exchange services. Additionally, your Transit Wallet and Private Key access to exchanges have several levels of protection:

      1. - You can link your EXPI transit wallet to your personal wallets by adding them to the status of trusted addresses, thereby increasing the security of fund withdrawals.
      2. - Your Private Key is already generated based on the principle of a special hash function, developed for generating crypto wallets; it is impossible to decrypt or guess its data. Additionally, you set a reliable password and 2FA on it.
  • Why was my exchange operation canceled?

    If your exchange operation is canceled and the assets are fully returned to the transit address, it means the system has protected your money from potential losses.

    Yes, as we stated in our documents, exchange services fix the exchange price during the confirmation of any of the exchange operations, but in some cases, the market price may go out of control of the volatility indices applied by the exchange service.

    In the EXPI system, you simultaneously fix and confirm two exchange operations, so the amount of time spent on exchanges increases due to the transit of crypto assets from one exchange service to another. Considering this, we responsibly rely on risk indices. Therefore, when protocols specifically designed to fix an increased level of risk are triggered, an operation that may receive an undesirable and unprofitable result is instantly canceled and the asset is returned to the transit wallet.

  • Exchange ID - what is it?

    The SdbS network of exchangers instantly provides EXPI bot with the entire exchange process online, with the ability to go to the exchanger’s website via API.

    By clicking on the order ID (purchase), you follow the link to the website of the exchange service of the country where you are currently exchanging, and see how your exchange for purchase is going on for the selected exchange pair, and the order ID (sale) guides you via an API connection to the process of transit from exchanger to exchanger and sale of your asset on the website of the exchanger of the selected country.

    Thus, the SdbS exchange provider opens up this entire process, and on the EXPI bot resource we can provide all users with a live broadcast of each of their exchanges by purchase and sale order ID. The client can navigate via API to the exchange service sites of the SdbS exchange provider.

    The translation of all exchange processes is indicated by the Terms of Use of the aggregate REST API SdbS (clause 2.10): each exchange service, each country of SdbS exchange (using a blockchain network browser) provides EXPI bot information on each exchange ID instantly online. Information on all exchange ID hash transactions carried out through the wallets of SdbS exchange services via the API with EXPI bot is combined according to the indicators of each exchange country and sent to the official EXPI bot email once every 24 hours in PDF format.

  • What is OTC Arbitrage?

    OTC Arbitrage (Over-the-Counter) is an arbitrage conducted under certain conditions, an alternative method of exchanging cryptocurrencies, different from the traditional rules of cryptocurrency exchanges. In this case, the EXPI bot provides the opportunity for OTC Arbitrage by directly exchanging cryptocurrencies between exchange services (exchangers), bypassing centralized exchange trading.

    Why is this arbitrage more reliable than inter-exchange arbitrage? Each exchange service has specific rules and principles of operation, like those that will never exist on cryptocurrency exchanges:

    1. Fixing the exchange rate. The exchanger fixes the exchange rate at the time of sending confirmation. This means the exchange rate includes CVI volatility indices, a certain percentage of which is fixed on the market to cover minor exchange rate changes during the exchange. If the index applied to the price goes beyond the limits, the exchange service returns the asset and the client is protected from capital loss.

    2. Ready exchange price. The exchange service always provides a ready exchange price, meaning the exchange price includes all possible fees. Market buy/sell fees, network fees when sending assets, and other indices described above. This allows seeing the actual exchange delta, considering all fees, which facilitates the overall organization of OTC Arbitrage.

    3. The exchange service does not work with order books on exchanges but focuses on buying and selling on the market (at the exchange price), thus achieving a quick exchange. This explains the fast and stable arbitrage exchanges we conduct on the EXPI bot. Moreover, all exchange services currently involved in OTC Arbitrage on the EXPI bot operate under REST API protocols and perform all operations automatically. This automates the process and minimizes errors in work. The API protocol includes an alert instruction, which applies in case of asset returns to wallets and is the only reason why the exchange may be paused for 60 minutes.

  • How do you work with SdbS exchange services? Describe the dynamics of the work in detail.

    How do you work with SdbS exchange services? Describe the dynamics of the work in detail. We are working on integrating an aggregated REST API with 56 exchange services (SdbS Exchange) and payment processing (SdbS Pay) in cryptocurrencies worldwide (SdbS Group company) and profiting from the price differences of cryptocurrencies in different countries. How this works technically, in simple terms:

    This means that on each of the 56 SdbS Exchange websites, the EXPI bot has activated financial accounts with exchange wallets operating in REST API mode, like trading exchange balances.

    1. Exchange balances — these are the wallets of the EXPI bot company in the accounts of SdbS exchange services. Exchanges are made with these wallets between SdbS Exchange services.

    2. Exchange balances — these are the transit wallets of EXPI bot users. Automatically (with the help of various APIs), the bot fixes the client's balance in the transit wallet in the EXPI bot account, transfers information for the exchange, and displays each exchange operation with this volume, ultimately displaying the profit delta in the account. For our clients, everything happens automatically, both in auto-exchanges and when activating the exchange operation manually. These are mass exchange operations, using an API connection for each client's account and identifying it by a private key. On the EXPI bot resource, clients can see each of their exchange operations, access the exchange ID in the SdbS Exchange account, and individually see the path of each exchange operation between EXPI bot accounts on exchange services. The transit wallets of clients in EXPI bot accounts are also identified by private keys and are exchange balances that interact with exchange wallets when it is necessary to increase the liquidity volumes for exchanges, for one or more of the 56 financial accounts on the SdbS Exchange websites.

  • What is a transit wallet?

    For the client, the total volume in the EXPI bot transit wallet is the amount with which all their exchange operations are conducted individually. The transit wallet (according to the REST API operation principle) interacts with wallets that are EXPI bot exchange liquidity balances and are located in the accounts of SdbS exchange services, like trading exchange balances. The transit wallets of clients in EXPI bot accounts are exchange balances, and funds are withdrawn from them when it is necessary to increase the liquidity for exchanges of one or more of the 56 financial accounts on the SdbS Exchange websites. There are limits set on the transit wallets, and all amounts exceeding these limits are automatically sent to the SdbS Exchange services in exchange accounts, to one or several accounts, depending on the need to increase the liquidity of exchange balances in those countries. Volumes from 50,000 USDT to 100,000 USDT are directly intended to ensure withdrawals and are always in transit wallets.